The Walter Soboleff Center

Sealaska Heritage Institute

Funding Received: 2013
Juneau, AK
Funding Period: 1 year and 5 months
December 31, 2013

SHI’s Native Artist Committee met and gave us great advice and direction for the artwork to be made under the ArtPlace grant. They will act as evaluators in the selection of artists.

We are also happy to report that the RFP for the ArtPlace grant to create a Northwest Coast clan house screen and two house posts has been released, and we are already receiving inquiries. The screen will be designed to represent a Chilkat Robe and the house posts will depict warriors in their armor--warriors responsible for safeguarding our communities and way of life.

Construction on the Walter Soboleff Center is progressing well and the walls should be going up soon. We are busy working with exciting traditional and traditionally inspired art work for the Center.

One of SHI’s goals for apprentices working with master artists is to help them secure the necessary tools so that apprentices can continue to produce art work.